Health Committee

The mission of the PFCC Health Committee is to collaborate, exchange ideas, and promote strategies and resources to improve health outcomes in our community.

The Committee members include nonprofits and businesses:

Contact Person Business/Organization
Angela Heath (Chair)
Romuladus E. Azuine, Dr.PH., M.P.H., R.N.
Devon Banks
Dr. Gillian Berry
Shakeara Mingo
Kim Cartwright
Valerie Crawford-Schiele
Dr. Jonelle Grant
Ify Nwabukwu
Troy Richardson
RCG Richard Consultig Group, LLC

Some of the goals include:

(1) Categorize our health nonprofits and businesses

(2) Build teams of expertise

(3) Identify the health needs of our community

(4) Host town halls, workshops and trainings on key health related topics

(5) Form a strategic partnership with the Prince George's County Department of Health as it relates to outreach, awareness and grant opportunities for our communities

(6) Identify grant opportunties around health and collaborate with other partners